Tattoo Removal With PicoSure

Bloomfield Med Spa

Fast Results

Minimal Discomfort 

State Of The Art Laser

We are dedicated to making you feel and look your very best. Schedule A Free Consultation today!

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Faster Treatment

PicoSure's ultra-short pulses of laser energy break down tattoo ink into tiny particles more effectively than traditional lasers. This results in faster clearance of tattoos.

Minimal Discomfort

PicoSure is designed to minimize discomfort during the tattoo removal process. Many patients report less pain compared to older laser systems.


PicoSure can effectively treat a wide range of tattoo colors, including stubborn blues and greens, which are challenging for other lasers.

Gentle On The Skin

PicoSure is gentle on your skin, with minimal risk of scarring or damage to the surrounding tissue.

How Does PicoSure Tattoo Removal Work?

PicoSure utilizes picosecond laser technology, which delivers ultra-short pulses of energy into the tattoo ink. This rapid energy delivery shatters the ink into tiny, dust-like particles that your body's natural processes can eliminate. Over time, your tattoo will gradually fade until it's no longer visible.

Erase Unwanted Ink with Precision

Are you looking to bid farewell to that tattoo you once loved but now regret? Bella Rosa Med Spa is here to offer you an advanced solution for tattoo removal with PicoSure – the gold standard in laser technology for safe and effective ink elimination. Say goodbye to tattoo regret and hello to clear, beautiful skin.

What to Expect During Your PicoSure Tattoo Removal Session

  1. Consultation: Before treatment, you'll meet with our experienced medical professionals for a consultation. They'll assess your tattoo and discuss your treatment plan, including the number of sessions needed.
  2. Treatment: During the procedure, the PicoSure laser will be precisely targeted to your tattoo. You may feel a slight stinging sensation, but the procedure is generally well-tolerated.
  3. Recovery: There is minimal downtime after PicoSure tattoo removal. You may experience some redness and swelling, similar to a mild sunburn, which usually subsides within a few hours to a couple of days.
  4. Results: The tattoo will gradually fade over several weeks as your body processes the broken-down ink particles. Multiple sessions may be required for complete removal, depending on the size, color, and depth of the tattoo.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Ready to say goodbye to that unwanted tattoo? Schedule a consultation with Bella Rosa Med Spa today. Our expert team will evaluate your tattoo, discuss your goals, and provide you with a personalized treatment plan. It's time to start your journey towards tattoo-free skin with PicoSure at Bella Rosa Med Spa.

Don't let tattoo regret hold you back. Contact us now and rediscover the beauty of clear, ink-free skin!


Why Choose Bella Rosa Med Spa for PicoSure Tattoo Removal?

  • Experienced Professionals: Our skilled medical team has extensive experience in PicoSure tattoo removal, ensuring safe and effective treatments.
  • State-of-the-Art Facility: We employ the latest PicoSure technology in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
  • Personalized Treatment Plans: Your tattoo removal plan is tailored to your unique needs, ensuring the best possible results.
  • Commitment to Your Satisfaction: Bella Rosa Med Spa is dedicated to helping you achieve the clear skin you desire. Your satisfaction is our priority.