Hair Removal With The Elite IQ Laser

Bloomfield Med Spa

Fast Results

Minimal Discomfort 

State Of The Art Laser

FDA Approved Melanin Reader

We are dedicated to making you feel and look your very best. Schedule A Free Consultation today!

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Personalized Treatment

Since the Elite iQ device uses Skintel technology, you will benefit from a personalized treatment to your skin that you can feel confident about.

Gentle On The Skin

The Elite iQ device is equipped with the Skintel® device, the only FDA melanin reader on the market.

All Areas Of The Body

The Skintel device is technology that reads your precise skin type, so it can be used to safely treat all skin types and areas of the body including under arms, legs, bikini area and back.

Permanent Hair Reduction

The typical treatment time is 30 minutes and the average person sees a 79% reduction in hair after just 3 treatments.  

Quick, Easy and Personalized
Laser Hair Treatments

Did you know the average woman will spend 72 days of her life shaving her legs?

Traditional hair removal methods such as shaving, waxing and tweezing can be time consuming and expensive. Now we can offer you a permanent hair reduction
solution with the Elite iQ device that will allow you to prioritize the important things in life.

Think of what you could do with an extra 72 days!

Experience the Freedom of Hair-Free Skin

Are you tired of the endless cycle of shaving, waxing, and plucking? At Bella Rosa Med Spa, we offer state-of-the-art laser hair removal services to help you achieve smooth, hair-free skin with long-lasting results. Say goodbye to unwanted hair and hello to the confidence that comes with a sleek, hair-free appearance.

Imagine waking up every day with smooth, hair-free skin. No more time wasted on shaving or painful waxing appointments. Bella Rosa Med Spa is here to make that dream a reality.

Schedule Your Consultation Today

Ready to experience the freedom of hair-free skin? Contact Bella Rosa Med Spa today to schedule your consultation. Our team will assess your needs, answer any questions you have, and get you started on the path to a hair-free, confident you.

Don't wait any longer to achieve the smooth, hair-free skin you've always wanted. Bella Rosa Med Spa is your partner in confidence and beauty.


Why Choose Laser Hair Removal at Bella Rosa Med Spa?

Our laser hair removal treatments are designed to provide you with the most effective, comfortable, and lasting results. Here's why you should choose us for your hair removal needs:

  1. Cutting-Edge Technology: We use advanced laser technology that targets hair follicles with precision, ensuring the most effective and efficient hair removal possible.
  2. Experienced Professionals: Our skilled and experienced team of medical professionals specializes in laser hair removal, ensuring a safe and comfortable experience.
  3. Customized Treatment Plans: We understand that every individual is unique, which is why we create personalized treatment plans tailored to your specific hair type and skin tone.
  4. Quick and Convenient: Laser hair removal sessions are relatively quick, making it easy to fit into your busy schedule. Plus, with each session, you'll notice fewer and finer hairs.
  5. Long-Lasting Results: Unlike temporary methods like shaving or waxing, laser hair removal offers long-lasting results. You can enjoy smooth, hair-free skin for an extended period.
  6. Commitment to Your Satisfaction: Bella Rosa Med Spa is dedicated to helping you achieve the clear skin you desire. Your satisfaction is our priority.